FCS August Newsletter

FCS August Newsletter

FCS August Newsletter

August 2023 Edition

Family & Consumer Sciences
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August 2023 FCS Newsletter


August 5
Farmers’ Market
August 9
School begins in Daviess County
August 17
Calendar recipe demo on Facebook
August 17-27
Kentucky State Fair
August 21
Tune in to WBKR
August 22
Homemaker Lesson Leader Training-Owensboro
August 22
Make, Take, and Bake Casserole Class
August 22
Daviess County Homemaker Leadership Mtg
August 23
Homemaker Lesson Leader Training-Henderson
September 4
Labor Day, office closed
September 18
Tune in to WBKR
September 19
Homemaker Area Annual Meeting
September 21
Calendar recipe demo on Facebook


Be sure to stop the Owensboro Regional Farmers Market on Saturday, August 5th and visit us at the Extension Booth… we will be featuring recipes that you can spin yourself on our Blender Bike!!!!  If you have stopped by our booth, we hope you have enjoyed the samples! Hope to see you August 5th!

Make, Take and Bake Casserole Class Is FULL!
We have a waiting list, if anyone cancels we will start calling people on the waiting list. So, if you are signed up but for any reason cannot attend, please call and let us know,

Save the Date, October 26th for a Healthy Cooking Class coming in October, sponsored by the Daviess County Diabetes Coalition!! Stay tuned for more information!

Daviess County Lion’s Club Fair
We had a total of 58 entries.  Congrats to all the winners! Be on the lookout for the 2024 fairbook after the first of the year!! There will be some changes and new additions.

Back-to-School Breakfast Ideas
Source: Courtney Luecking, Extension Specialist for Nutrition and Health 

            We often hear breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But why? Children who eat breakfast do better on tasks that require attention and higher-level brain functions. This means children who eat breakfast focus and concentrate better and have fewer behavior problems. They also have higher school attendance, fewer hunger-induced stomach aches, and better muscle coordination. Children who eat breakfast also tend to have an overall healthier diet.

It is easy to miss or forget breakfast during the rush to get out the door for school. But a little planning and prep will have your family fueled for whatever the day brings. Try one or more of these tips to help make breakfast part of a back-to-school routine that sets children up for success.

· Prep the night before. Set out breakfast options before going to bed. This will allow children and adults to easily get started eating or grab something for the road.

· Set the alarm a few minutes earlier.  A few extra minutes in the morning can provide time for a quick breakfast. It can also provide time for children to wake up and feel hungry or ready to eat.

· Role model breakfast. Children copy adults’ behavior. Sitting down to eat with children or at least eating while getting ready shows them breakfast is part of the start of the day.

· Pack breakfast to go. Breakfast does not have to be eaten at home. You can pack healthy options for the bus or car ride to school and work.

· Try school breakfast. Many schools serve nutritious breakfast. Ask your school and encourage children to take advantage of this.

Eating something is better than nothing. But to fuel the body and brain for a day of academic, social, and physical activity, the standout combination is a whole grain, some protein, and either fruit or vegetables. Find whole grains in things like hot or cold cereal, bread, tortillas, muffins, waffles, or even leftover rice or pasta. Look for protein, which is often missing from breakfast, in dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds, beans, or animal meats.

Try one of these quick, easy ideas to fuel children’s brains and behavior. Or create your own combination!

· Hot, instant cereal. Add protein by making it with milk instead of water. You can change up the flavor based on things you mix in. Want it sweet? Add fresh, dried, or even frozen fruit and nuts. Want it savory? Add cheese and an egg with veggies of your choice.

· Yogurt bowl. Start with a base of plain yogurt and then add fresh, canned, or frozen fruit and whole-grain cereal or granola.

· Egg sandwich. Have an egg your way with cheese and veggies of your choice on a whole-grain bread, bagel, English muffin, or pita.

· Smoothie. Blend milk, frozen fruit, and a banana. You can add yogurt or nut butter for more protein and flavor.

· Tortilla roll. Spread nut butter and your choice of fruit on a whole-grain tortilla. Roll up and enjoy.

· Cheese and whole-grain crackers. If you feel like snacking for breakfast, try veggies and hummus or fruit with whole-grain crackers and a stick or slice of cheese.

· Dinner for breakfast. Leftovers are another quick and easy option for breakfast.

For more ideas, visit your local Extension office or the planeatmove.com/recipes website.


Ellis, E. (2021, March 5). Power up with breakfast. Eatright.org. https://www.eatright.org/food/planning/meals-and-snacks/power-up-with-br...

Ellis, E., Msora-Kasago, C., Derocha, G., Escobar, S., Bochi, R.A., Sheth, V. (2021, July 9). Breakfast: Key to growing healthy. Eatright.org. https://www.eatright.org/food/planning/meals-and-snacks/breakfast-key-to...


The first homemaker lesson of the year is on Paw Paws.  It will be taught by Kentucky State University.  This will be an interesting and tasty lesson. 
Training for this lesson is Aug 22 at 10:00 am

 The second lesson of the year is Planning Holiday Meals on a Thrifty Budget. Planning a holiday meal on a budget starts weeks and sometimes months in advance.
By planning ahead now, you will feel less stressed when it is time to celebrate.

Training for this lesson is Aug 22 at 11:00 am

Homemaker Leadership Training
August 22, 2023 at 12:15

Daviess County Cooperative Extension Office
Boxed lunch will be provided,
PLEASE RSVP by August 17. 270-685-8480

All members are welcome! At least one representative from each club should be in attendance.

Green River Area Annual Meeting
September 19, 2023
Buck Creek Baptist Church Fellowship Hall

Registration 10:30 am
Program 11:00 am